
Like most other websites, this website may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of 'cookies'. Below you can find out more about the different cookies we use.

Strictly Necessary Cookies
These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. They enable you to navigate around the site: without these cookies we could not provide the services that you come to the site for.

Performance Cookies
These cookies allow us to understand how visitors use our site, so we can measure and improve how the site works. For example they help us to know which pages are the most and least popular. They count things like the number of visitors, how long people spend on the site and how they find it. This lets us know where we are doing well, and where we can improve, as well as making sure the pages load quickly and display properly. All information these cookies collect is anonymous and not tied to any personal information about you. We use services from Google to perform these functions.

Other cookies
These cookies are used to enable us to provide enhanced functionality, and more personal information and features. This includes -for example-being able to watch YouTube videos, providing information, and also allowing you to share content through social networks.These services are mostly provided by third parties. If you have an account, or use the services of these parties on other websites, then they may be able to know that you have visited our sites. The use of data collected through cookies by those third parties is subject to their own privacy policies; therefore we identify these cookies by the parties setting them.

Opting Out of Cookies

If you have any concerns about our use of cookies, you can take action to prevent them being set, including changing your browser settings to block certain types of cookies.

For detailed information on how to do this, look in your browser’s help information, or for an overview of the most common browsers, you can visit: or

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